Ringvorlesung "Wissenschaft und alternative Fakten XV"
Die Ringvorlesung startete im November. Es ist eine Präsenz-Veranstaltung im Audimax der CAU. Eine online-Teilnahme ist auch möglich.
Informationen, Videos, Vortragsfolien, Zugang |
neue webseite
Symposium "Die Quantenrevolution – von den Anfängen bis zur aktuellen Forschung"
Am 14.12. 2024, dem 124. Geburtstag der Quantenphysik, führten wir eine Vortragsveranstaltung für die Öffentlichkeit durch.
Sprecherin u.a. Frau Prof. Anne l'Huillier (Lund, Physiknobelpreis 2023)
Veranstalter: Max-Planck-Museum Kiel und Saturday Morning Physics.
Die Veranstaltung fand im Rahmen von "Quanten2025" - dem Jahr der Quantenphysik statt.
Programm |
Ankündigung auf der DPG-Seite |
Webseite des Max-Planck-Museums |
Webseite der DPG | CAU-Pressemitteilung
Prestigeous research award for former group member
November 2024: Tobias Dornheim who graduated in our group in 2018 (now at CASUS Görlitz and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) wins the prestigeous
Stanislaw Lem European Research Prize 2024, awarded from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Congratulations!
press release of Wroclaw University |
press release of HZDR
KiNSIS PhD award
November 2024: Jan-Philip Joost receives the KiNSIS Nanophysics PhD award, together with Mara Gutzeit (in the center),
C: Tina Kerby
"Featured Article and Scilight" in Physics of Plasmas: Invited review by leading experts sets state of the art of warm dense hydrogen simulations
October 2024: How can one develop predictive simulation for dense hydrogen? Experts give answers in an invited review coordinated by Michael Bonitz:
Michael Bonitz, Jan Vorberger, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Maximilian P. Böhme, David M. Ceperley, Alexey Filinov, Thomas Gawne, Frank Graziani, Gianluca Gregori, Paul Hamann, Stephanie B. Hansen, Markus Holzmann, S.X. Hu, Hanno Kählert, Valentin Karasiev, Uwe Kleinschmidt, Linda Kordts, Christopher Makait, Burkhard Militzer, Zhandos A. Moldabekov, Carlo Pierleoni, Martin Preising, Kushal Ramakrishna, Ronald Redmer, Sebastian Schwalbe, Pontus Svensson, and Tobias Dornheim,
Towards first principles-based simulations of dense hydrogen,
Physics of Plasmas (2024) |
press release of Kiel University | Scilight article
Conference "Physics of Nonideal Plasmas 18"
The conference was organized by Gianluca Gregori and held at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, UK,
September 16-19 2024
conference page and information
Two young researcher awards
April 2024: Jan-Philip Joost wins the Fakultätspreis of the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät of CAU,
for his PhD thesis "Green Functions Approach to Graphene Nanostructures".
The award was presented by the University presidium on May 30.
May 2024: Jan-Philip Joost wins also the Nanophysics PhD award of the Research Focus "Kiel Nano, Surface and Interface Science" (KiNSIS) which will be awarded in November. Congratulations!!
Fakultätspreisverleihung am 30.5. 2024, Foto: privat
10 Jahre Max-Planck-Museum
Am 14.12. fand eine Feierstunde zum Jubiläum des Kieler Museums statt. Zeit, Ort: 17.00-18.30, Max-Planck-Hörsaal des Physikzentrum, Leibnizstraße 11. Wir informierten über neue Exponate und die digitale Ausstellung. Anschließend konnte die Ausstellung besichtigt werden.
Programm |
Informationen zum Planck-Museum | Termine für Führungen
Conference "Progress in Nonequilibrium Greens Functions VIII"
The conference was organized by Hugo Strand, Claudio Verdozzi and Michael Bonitz and was held at Örebro University, Sweden,
August 7-11 2023
conference page and information |
conference poster
Link to the page of PNGF7, 2018 |
Link to the conference proceedings of PNGF 7
For earlier conferences and proceedings click
"Editors' Suggestion" in Physical Review Research: Roton feature in warm dense hydrogen predicted
July 2023: A roton-type feature was predicted for dense partially ionized hydrogen and parameters for an experimental verification were presented in:
Paul Hamann, Linda Kordts, Alexey Filinov, Michael Bonitz, Tobias Dornheim, and Jan Vorberger,
Prediction of a roton-type feature in warm dense hydrogen,
Physical Review Research (2023) |
press release of Kiel University
Excellent Master degree
July 2023: Christopher Makait
won an award for one of the best Master degrees of the year of the Physics Department. Congratulations!!
Excellent PhD defense
April 2023: Jan-Philip Joost defended his PhD thesis
Green Functions Approach to Graphene Nanostructures
with ``summa cum laude''. Congratulations!!
"Editors' pick" in Physics of Plasmas: Theoretical analysis of exotic warm dense matter
Februar 2023: A detailed theroretical analysis of the density response of warm dense matter that combines various first principles methods has been presented in:
Tobias Dornheim, Zhandos Moldabekov, Kushal ramakrishna, Panagiotis Tolias, Andrew Baczewski, Dominik Kraus, Thomas Preston, Dave Chapman, Maximilian Böhme, Tilo Doeppner, Frank Graziani, Michael Bonitz, Attila Cangi, and Jan Vorberger,
Electronic Density Response of Warm Dense Matter,
Physics of Plasmas (2023)
Themenabend für Max Planck
4. Oktober 2022: Zu Max Plancks 75. Todestag findet ein Themenabend statt Pressemitteilung | Weitere Informationen | Bericht und Fotos vom Themenabend (von Julia Siekmann)
Editors' choice in Physical Review Letters: Utrafast dynamics of electrons in graphene and MoS2 probed by ion impact
August 2022: A combined experimental and theoretical analysis of the femtosecond dynamics of electrons in freestanding graphene and MoS2 monolayers and the subsequent electron emission reveales highly charged ion impact as a novel highly sensitive diagnostic tool. The results are published in:
Anna Niggas, Janine Schwestka, Karsten Balzer, David Weichselbaum, Niclas Schlünzen, René Heller, Sascha Creutzburg, Heena Inani, Mukesh Tripathi, Carsten Speckmann, Niall McEvoy, Toma Susi, Jani Kotakoski, Ziyang Gan, Antony George, Andrey Turchanin, Michael Bonitz, Friedrich Aumayr, and Richard A. Wilhelm,
Ion-induced surface charge dynamics in freestanding monolayers of graphene and MoS2 probed by the emission of electrons,
Physical Review Letters (2022)
Press Release of Kiel University |
press release of TU Vienna
Bachelor Thesis award
July 2022: Paul Luis Röhl is awarded the Best Bachelor thesis award of the Physics Department of Kiel University 2022 for his Bachelor Thesis ``Towards Improving Configuration Path Integral Monte Carlo''
New DFG Research grant
May 2022: Prof. Michael Bonitz was awarded a research grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) for the project "Ab initio Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Warm Dense Matter". The group receives funding amounting to 220.550 Euros which includes a PhD student position.
New grant from Max Planck Foundation
May 2022: The Max Planck Foundation has awarded Prof. Michael Bonitz a grant of 25.000 Euros for the work on a digital Max-Planck exhibition. link
"Stop this war immediately!"
Open letter from German plasma physicists to Russian scientists.
Sign, share and distribute!
Russian letter |
Web page
Letter to the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences
New DFG Research grant
April 2022: Prof. Michael Bonitz was awarded a research grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) for the project "Short-time dynamics of correlated Fermi Systems -- a Nonequilibrium Green functions approach". The group receives funding for a PhD student position amounting to 220.000 Euros.
Research grant
The group of Prof. Michael Bonitz has received a grant for high performance computing time at the supercomputers of the HLRN Nordverbund. The project is entited "Ab Initio Simulation of Warm Dense Matter" and is a collaboration with CASUS Görlitz and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The total amount is 2260 kNPL corresponding to a value of 587,600 Euros.
Dawson award for Michael Bonitz and three former PhD students.
July 2021: The Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society grants the John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research 2021 to Michael Bonitz and his former students Tim Schoof, Tobias Dornheim and Simon Groth, together with William Matthew Colwyn Foulkes (Imperial College London), Fionne D. Malone (QC Ware) and Travis Sjostrom (Los Alamos National Laboratory) for their joint research achievements in the field of Warm Dense Matter. The citation reads
"For developing Monte Carlo methods that overcome the fermion sign problem, leading to the first ab initio data for an electron gas under warm dense matter conditions."
Announcement of APS | poster |
CAU-Pressemitteilung | Press release of CAU
Bacheor Thesis award
May 2021: Franziska Reiser is awarded the EmpowerMINT award of Kiel University 2021 for her Bachelor Thesis ``Stopping Power in Graphen-Nanoclustern im Rahmen des G1-G2-Schemas''
Ab initio results for the momentum distribution function of correlated electrons
May 2021: The first exact results for the momentum distribution of warm dense electrons have been pubished in:
K. Hunger, T. Schoof, T. Dornheim, M. Bonitz, A. Filinov,
Momentum distribution function and short-range correlations of the warm dense electron gas -- ab initio quantum Monte Carlo results,
Physical Review E 103, 053204 (2021)
| arXiv:2101.00842
Fulbright study award
March 2021: Lotte Borkowski is awarded a Fulbright stipend for a one year graduate school stay in the United States.
Best PhD student award at Graphene2020
October 2020: Jan-Philip Joost wins one of the best Phd student oral contribution awards at the international online conference Graphene2020,
for his talk Correlated Topological States in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterostructures, with the co-authors Antti-Pekka Jauho (TU Denmark) and Michael Bonitz
Research grant
The group of Prof. Michael Bonitz has received a grant for high performance computing time at the supercomputers of the HLRN Nordverbund. The project is entited "Ab Initio Simulation of Warm Dense Matter" and is a collaboration with CASUS Görlitz and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The total amount is 1500 kNPL corresponding to a value of 390,000 Euros.
Nonlinear response of excotic warm dense matter demonstrated
August 2020: A new simulation study proves that highly compressed matter reacts very differently on intense electromagnetic radiation than previously thought. The results are published in:
Tobias Dornheim, Jan Vorberger, and Michael Bonitz,
Nonlinear Electronic Density Response in Warm Dense Matter,
Physical Review Letters (2020)
| arXiv:2004.032299
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel und CASUS Görlitz |
Press Release of Kiel University and CASUS Göritz
Workshop "Ab initio simulations of correlated fermions"
July 8-9 2020, Video conference
Thanks to all participants (60 each day) for a memorable event. For further information, including presentations and proceedings, see the link below.
program | further information
Dramatic speedup for Nonequilibrium Green functions (NEGF) simulations achieved
January 2020: A new simulation method (G1-G2 scheme) allows to accelerate NEGF simulations by a factor 10,000 or more. The results are published in:
Niclas Schlünzen, Jan-Philip Joost, and Michael Bonitz,
Achieving the Scaling Limit for Nonequilibrium Green Functions Simulations,
Physical Review Letters (2020)
| arXiv:1909.11489
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel |
Press Release of Kiel University
New Research grant within DFG-RSF collaboration
December 2019: Prof. Michael Bonitz was awarded a research grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) for a collaborative project with the Russian Science Foundation, entitled "First principle Quantum Monte Carlo and Quantum Dynamics simulations of warm dense matter". The Russian partner is Dr. Pavel Levashov from the Moscow Institute for High Temperatures (IVTAN). The German group receives 298.000 Euros for the further development of CPIMC simulations.
Theory for Topological States in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterostructures
December 2019: New Green functions simulations developed by Jan-Philip Joost explain Topological States in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterostructures and achieve, for the first time, quantitative agreement with experiment. The results are published in:
Jan-Philip Joost, Antti-Pekka Jauho, and Michael Bonitz,
Correlated Topological States in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterostructures,
Nano Letters 19, 9045-9050 (2019)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04075 |
accepted version
| arXiv:1910.01152
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel |
Press Release of Kiel University
Editors' Pick
November 2019: The article The Static Local Field Correction of the Warm Dense Electron Gas: An ab initio Path Integral Monte Carlo Study and Machine Learning Representation,
T. Dornheim, J. Vorberger, S. Groth, N. Hoffmann, Zh. Moldabekov, and M. Bonitz, has been selected by Journal of Chemical Physics
for editors' pick.
Research grants
The group of Prof. Michael Bonitz has received two grants for high performance computing time at the supercomputers of the HLRN Nordverbund. The total amount is 1250 kNPL corresponding to a value of 325,000 Euros.
Editors' Pick, Perspectives article
September 2019: The article Quantum hydrodynamics for plasmas-quo vadis?,
M. Bonitz, Zh. Moldabekov, and T.S. Ramazanov, has been selected by the editors of Physics of Plasmas as "editors' pick" and is open access
Editors' Choice
January 2019:
The article Permutation Blocking Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations of Degenerate Electrons at Finite Temperature,
by T. Dornheim, S. Groth, and M. Bonitz, has been selected by Contributions to Plasma Physics
for editors' choice and for the front cover of the journal
Scilight article
Hanno Kählert's article Dynamic structure factor of strongly coupled Yukawa plasmas with dissipation,
Physics of Plasmas 26, 063703 (2019) has been picked by the editors for coverage by a Sclilight article
DOI: 10.1063/1.5099579 |
local file |
Scilight article
Young researcher awards
March 2019: Simon Groth's PhD thesis has been selected as best plasma physics thesis in 2019. Simon participated in the PhD colloquium of the AMOP section of the German Physical Society in Rostock, March 2019
April 2019: Tobias Dornheim wins the Nanophysics PhD award of the Research Focus "Kiel Nano, Surface and Interface Science" (KiNSIS) and the Fakultätspreis of the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät of CAU,
for his PhD thesis "The uniform electron gas at the warm dense matter conditions: A Permutation Blocking Path Integral Monte Carlo perspective".
The award will be presented at the Diels-Planck lecture, June 18
Fakultätspreisverleihung am 5.6. 2019, Foto: Jürgen Haacks
Festveranstaltung für Max Planck, 23.4. 2019
5 Jahre Max-Planck-Ausstellung in Kiel, Einweihung neuer Exponate
Kolloquiumsvortrag von Prof. Klaus von Klitzing ``Max Planck, seine Konstante und das neue Kilogramm''
abstract des Vortrags | Programm | Pressemitteilung
Workshop "Numerical solution of the Keldysh-Kadanoff-Baym equations"
the workshop was organized by Michael Bonitz, Jan-Philip Joost and Karsten Balzer and was held at the Physics Department of Kiel University
March 11-12 2019
Workshop flyer: for download
Link to the workshop page
Novel effect of plasma-surface interaction discovered
December 2018: A new mechanism of the interaction of ions with strongly correlated finite graphene-type fragments has been obtained: ions of certain energies create doublons in the target material. The results could allow to reversibly change the electronic properties of the material with potential applications for low-temperature plasmas. The results are published in:
Karsten Balzer, Maximilian Rodriguez Rasmussen, Niclas Schlünzen, Jan-Philip Joost, and Michael Bonitz,
Doublon formation by ions impacting a strongly correlated finite lattice system,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 267602 (2018) |
arXiv:1801.05267 |
local file |
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel |
Press Release of Kiel University
Breakthrough in warm dense matter research
December 2018: The first ab initio results for the dynamic structure factor of the finite temperature electron gas are obtained and confirm the existence of a negative plasmon dispersion at strong coupling. The results are published in:
Tobias Dornheim, Simon Groth, Jan Vorberger, and Michael Bonitz,
Physical Review Letters 121, 255001 (2018) |
arXiv:1810.12776 |
local file |
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel |
Press Release of Kiel University
Young researcher award
August 2018: Tobias Dornheim wins the U30 Doctoral Scientist Award of the Plasma Physics Division of the Asian-Pacific Physical Society,
"For the invention of the permutation blocking path integral Monte Carlo method for the ab initio simulation of the warm dense electron gas and constructing the key ingredient in warm dense matter physics".
The award is combined with a talk at the annual meeting of the society, November 12-16 in Kanazawa, Japan.
Conference "Progress in Nonequilibrium Greens Functions VII"
the conference is organized by Gianluca Stefanucci, Andrea Marini and Stefano Bellucci and held in Frascati, near Rome, Italy
August 27-31 2018
Link to the conference page
Link to the page of the 2015 conference
For earlier conferences and proceedings click
New Review article
May 2018: The paper The Uniform Electron Gas at Warm Dense Matter Conditions
by Tobias Dornheim, Simon Groth, and Michael Bonitz,
has been published in Physics Reports, vol. 744, pp. 1-86
Pressemitteilung |
Press release |
further information
PhD Thesis awards
April 2018: Simon Groth and Tobias Dornheim are awarded the degree Summa cum laude for their PhD theses.
Editors' Choice
The paper Ab initio results for the Static Structure Factor of the Warm Dense Electron Gas
by Tobias Dornheim, Simon Groth, and Michael Bonitz,
Contrib. Plasma Phys. 57, 468-478 (2017)
was highlighted by the Journal as Editors' Choice
Complete ab initio thermodynamic data for the warm dense electron gas obtained
Simon Groth, Tobias Dornheim, Travis Sjostrom, Fionn D. Malone, W.M.C. Foulkes and Michael Bonitz,
Ab initio Exchange-Correlation Free Energy of the Uniform Electron Gas at Warm Dense Matter Conditions,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 135001 (2017) |
link |
Free energy parametrization
Pressemitteilung der CAU Kiel |
Press Release of Kiel University | Press Release of Imperial College
Best Phd thesis award
Sebastian Hermanns
wins the award for the "Best Phd thesis" of the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät of CAU (Fakultätspreis) in 2016 for his thesis
Nonequilibrium Green functions. Selfenergy approximation techniques, advisor: M. Bonitz
press release of Kiel University of July 20 2017
The International Conference "Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems"
was held at Kiel University (Wissenschaftszentrum), July 30 - August 4 2017
organized by Michael Bonitz, Patrick Ludwig and Zhandos Moldabekov
First announcement
press release of Kiel University of July 31 2017 (in German)
Conference page and photos
previous conferences
Editors' Choice
The paper Nonequilibrium dynamics in the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model: A comparison of the nonequilibrium Green functions approach and the density matrix renormalization group method
by Niclas Schlünzen, Jan-Philip Joost, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, and Michael Bonitz,
Phys. Rev. B 95, 165139 (2017)
link |
was highlighted by the Journal as Editors' Choice
Young scientist award
Simon Groth
wins the Laser and Particle Beams Prize 2017 for young scientists for his contribution The Uniform Electron Gas at WDM conditions. The prize was awarded at the 37th International Workshop on High Energy Density Physics with Intense Ion and Laser Beams and is worth 2000 Euros.
News archive…