Spatial sensitivity and kinetic energy


Photocurrent from different spatial regions


Photocurrent for Ein = -4.0 eV and k|| = 0.6 Å-1, calculated with free final states. The radius represents the intensity. The polar plots are normalized within each row. The partial currents in the middle and right colums arise from the middle and outer area, respectively, around the atomic positons, as indicated in the charge density plot below.



Charge density

Contour plot of a charge density in a plane through the uppermost As and Ga atoms. For details see here. The radii seperating the areas are 0.1 Å and 0.3 Å.



 ARUPS probes the bonding region.

 High kinetic energies cause an effective localization at the cores.

Claus-Henning Solterbeck, for references see here.
CAU Kiel