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Abel's theorem RM6, RM8
Absolute negative conductivity, see Conductivity
Action O2
Adiabatic approximation D1, SL4, H24
Aharonov-Bohm effect J3,m J13-14, J16
Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas equation BE2
Analytic continuation V4
Anderson impurity J6, J18
Anderson localization F4-5
Andreev scattering J8, J19
Anomalous propagator (Green's function), see Propagator
Generalized Kadanoff-Baym - M10, LI14-18, BO4, D11, GA1-2, GA6-9, HA2, HH7, KL18, MI7, MZ3, SE3, ST3, MR6, H16
- - for multi-band systems HH5-6
Kadanoff-Baym - LI1, LI4, LI7
- - for relativistic systems D3, G1-3
Silin - BO5
Antisymmetrization of the density operator(s) FB2
Atomic drag K6

Back reaction SM1-8, BE2
Back scatterin B4
Balescu-Lenard equation, see Kinetic equation(s)
Band gap renormalization HH11, MI2
Barker-Ferry equation, see Kinetic equation(s)
BCS-Theory B3
Beliaev approximation I1, I5-7, I11, I13
Bethe-Salpeter equation M4, M9, BR1, KW1, KW5, MZ6, SL2, T1, T3, ST1, BL3
Bethe ansatz J18
Bethe formula GE8
Beth-Uhlenbeck formula MO5, MO9
Bloch equations HH5, KW3, MI2, ST1-3, ST7, MZ1, MZ3, H17
Bogolyubov condition, see Initial correlations
Bogolyubov-de Gennes equation J19
Bogolyubov hypothesis, see Functional hypothesis
Boltzmann equation, see Kinetic equations
Boltzmann-Ueling-Uhlenbeck equation, see Kinetic equations
Born approximation BO4, HA2, HA4, KW6, PS6
Bose condensed gas (trapped) M12-14, I1
Bose-Einstein condensation M12-14, KW8, G9, I1
Goldstone - BL2
Slave - J18
Bound state(s) BE1, SL2-4
Account of - in kinetic theory BR1, D25
Kinetic equations for - BE1-2, BE5, SL2
Breit-Wigner formula J15
Bremsstrahlung BO5, D15, IV3
Brownian motion M12, B12, IV3, G1-2
Brueckner approximation SP5-10
see also T-matrix

Carbon nanotube(s) see Nanotube
Carrier-carrier scattering BO3, HH6, KL9-10, KL18, KW6, MI5, MZ4, SE2, H11
Carrier-phonon scattering GA4, HH11, HH14, J6, J11, KL10, KL18, MI5, K2, SE2, H11
Chiral transition MM2
Clifford decomposition MM1, MM8
Coherence M12, HH12
Coherent control K1
Collision(s) see Scattering
Collision integral BO5, HH6, IV14, L6, L8, SL3, ST1-3
Balescu-Lenard - BO4, D13
Boltzmann - B4-7, B10-12, BE2, D3, D13, PS1-2, PS6
Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck - BE1, BE6-7, I2, I11
Landau - BO5, HA2
Markovian - D23, IV15, MZ4, RE2
Non-Markovian - BO5, D11, HA1, HH6, IV16, KR8, MI4, MZ4, H13, H23
- due to initial correlations D7, KR8
Completed collision approximation KL17
Compton effect LI10
Condensate (Bose) see Bose--Einstein condensation
Conductivity B5-7
Absolute negative -- J16
- tensor F1
Charge - IV13, V4
Density - SM3
Kinetic energy - HA6
Particle number - B2-3, L5ff
Total energy - IV13, KL7, SE8, V4
- - of Kadanoff-Baym equations KL7, KL11, KR9, SE8
Conserving approximation B1-16, D10, Dfig2, IV13, V1, I5
Correlation(s) M4-14, D25, BL5, FB1-8
- buildup HA4, KL10
- due to spin statistics HA1, FB5
- function M4-14, B3-15, PS1-2, SL2-3, ST3, RM1, FB5, FB7, F1
Current-current - - B3, IV3
Density-density - - B3, IV3
- time
Initial -, see Initial correlations
Two-particle (binary) - B3-15, T1, T3, T7, FB5, FB7
Three-particle (ternary) - BE2-8
- interaction MZ3, T2, V1, H2, FB1
- oscillation J15
Screened - potential, see Screened
Strong - GE2-3, FB1, FB7
Weak - D14, GA5, GE1, GE7, V1
Cross section BE3-5, BL5, GE3, SL4
- injection K1
- shift K7
Displacement - J4, J12
Tunneling - FL6-7

Damping rate B4, D11, D13, D20, V2
- of the BBGKY-Hierarchy
- of the Martin-Schwinger Hierarchy KR2
- fluctuation function MZ3
- operator PS6-7, RM2-6, MR2, H4
- function D11, HH8, KW4, MZ6, SL3
- - in RPA V5
Nonequilibrium - - BO4, D2, D11, HH8, MI8
see also Polarization function
- tensor,
see also Conductivity tensor
Differential transmission spectroscopy HH9
- approximation
- moment
- equation MM4, MM7
- field
* Disordered systems F4-6
- relation D11, D18
- - of collective plasma excitations V2
- - for the complex dielectric function HH8
- - for the single-particle energy T1, T7, V2, I2, I9
Plasmon - BO4, D11, D18, V2, H18
Displacement current see Current
J/$\Psi$ - BL5
Dyson equation LI2, B5, BE2, BR1, D6-9, GA2, GA5, GA8-9, KR3-4, T2, V3, MR4, H4, BL3

Efimov effect BE4
Electron gas D1, KW2, V3
Two-dimensional - MI1-9, J2, KL10-16
Electron-phonon interaction see Carrier-phonon scattering
Elliot formula MZ9
Energy SM2
- broadening BO5, HA1, FL8
- - approximation
- conservation, see Conservation
- momentum tensor IV13
- of electromagnetic field V4
- Renormalization
Correlation - HA7, KL5, KL7, KL11-13, KR9, MZ6, MO2, MO4, SE3, SE8
Kinetic - BO6, HA7, KL5, KL7, KL11-13, KR8, MZ3, SE3, SE8
Potential - HA7, KL11-13, MZ6
Total - D4, HA7, KL7, KL11, MO4, SE8, KR9, FB6
Enskog equation see Kinetic equation(s)
Entropy IV1, IV13, PS7, V4, RM4
Equation of state RM4, MR2, FB4
Equilibrium M6-7, M12, BE4-5
- correlations, see Correlation(s)
- distribution function J6,
see also Wigner distribution
Correlated - FB1-8
Evolution operator
- for density operators
- in Green's functions theory D8-10
Exchange, Quantum mechanical I2, FB2
- of bound states
Exciton(ic) HH11, MZ1, MZ6-8, H21, BE8
- absorption T1
- line T5
Mahan - H8

Fadeev equations see Kinetic equation(s)
Femtosecond spectroscopy HH9, HH12, MI8, H1, FL1,
see also Spectroscopy
Fermi liquid B14, BZ1, BZ4, IV1
Feynman diagrams M4, B4, B8, B12-13, D10, Dfig1-3, V5
Feynman path integral, see Path integral
- operator M7, I3, H2
- - for photons
- - for plasmons
Electric - B5-6, KW2, RE2, RE6, SM1-2
Electromagnetic - M13, BO2
Field-Matter interaction BO2, D4, V1, H2
Fluctuation(s) M14, BE5, G1, G8
- dissipation theorem M8, D7-8, G1
see also optical theorem
Universal conductance - J3
Flux quantum J13
Field - D6, G3, G7
Fokker-Planck equation M9, IV3
Four-wave mixing HH12ff,
see also Femtosecond spectroscopy
Friedel sum rule J18,
see also Sum rule(s)
Fröhlich coupling see Phonon(s)
Functional derivative technique M9, B8, D5-9, KR2, KR4, T2, V3, I4-6, H4
Functional hypothesis

Galitskii-Feynman T-matrix LI12, SP9
see also T-matrix
- invariance B3, BO3, V4, J12-13
- field
- transformation I8
Coulomb (transverse) - V3, H5
Feynman -
Lorentz -
Scalar potential -
Vector potential -
Generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz, see Ansatz
Generating functional B13-14, T1
Gould-DeWitt approximation GE1, GE3,
see also Screened ladder approximation
Gradient expansion B11, MO4, IV10, L3, MM3, K2, PS5, H23
Green's function(s) M1-14, B1-16, LI2, BE2-3, PS1-6, T1, H1
- of bosons I3-4
- of carriers D8-10, HH4, KL3, KL12, KL14-16, KR2, K2, H5
- of plasmons D12, H7
- of photons D2-3, V3, H7
Retarded/advanced - M8, GA6, IV11, PS5, SE4, I3, MR5, H10
Gross-Pitaevskii equation I1, I12-13
GG-GW approximation T3
GW approximation B14, HH6, ST3, T1, T6, H4

Hadronic matter BE1,
see also Nuclear matter
Hamiltonian PS3
- of particle-field system B7, H2
Hartree -, see Mean field
Hartree-Fock -, see Mean field
Slave-boson - J18
Hamilton-Jacobi method O2
Hard Thermal Loop V2, IV3
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
- of correlation operators, see Correlation(s)
- of reduced density operators, see BBGKY-hierarchy
- of relaxation processes, see Relaxation
Martin-Schwinger - M6, KR2, T2, IV17
Higgs boson B3
Hilbert (antisymmetric sub-)space
Hole operator
Hot electrons,
see also Runaway
H-theorem IV18

Initial correlations M10-11, KR1-10, MO3, KL9
- for bound states
- in density operator formalism MR2
- in Green's functions theory M10-11, KR1-10, KL9, KW6, MR2, MR5
- in Kadanoff-Baym equations KR1-10, KW6, MR5
Collision integral due to -, see Collision integral
Weakening of - M10-11, KR3, RM5, RM8
In medium scattering BZ1,
see also Many-body effects
see also Plasma
Intracollisional field effect BO5, RE1
Ionization K1, O1-8, SL1, SL3
- energy
Effective - - SL3-4
Lowering of - - SL4
Above threshold - BE3
Impact - BE7, RE1, SL4
Multiphoton -
Photo - O1-8, ST1
Pressure -
Irreversibility M1
- of Markovian kinetic equations
- of retardation expansions

J/$\Psi$ BL5

Kadanoff-Baym ansatz, see Ansatz
Kadanoff-Baym equations M1-14, B1-16, BO2, BR1-2, GA2, GA5, KL2-3, KR7, KW2, IV10, MZ2, PS1, PS4-5, SE2, SL2, H10, Z2
- for bosons I4
- for fermions
- for particles
Numerical solution of - - GA5, HA4, KL1-20, KR8-9, KW6, SE5-8, H16
- for particles and photons D11, H10
Initial correlation in -, see Initial correlations
Interband - GA2, GA5, KL10-17, KW2-3, MZ2, H12
Numerical solution of - - GA5, KL10-17
Relativistic -
Kaon(s) KO4-12
Keldysh contour, see Schwinger-Keldysh contour
Kinetic energy, see Energy
Kinetic equation(s) M1-14, BE1-2, L4, PS1-6, SM1-3, ST1
- for carriers and photons,
see also Kadanoff-Baym equations
- for plasmons, see Plasmon(s)
- for trapped Bose gases I2, I8-10
Balescu-Lenard - BO4, D13
Barker-Ferry - RE1
Boltzmann - M1-14, B4-7, B10-12, LI1, LI7, L1, K3, KL17
Boltzmann-Ueling-Uhlenbeck - BE1
Enskog - RM5, SP2
Fadeev - BE3
Landau - LI1, LI8
Landau-Silin - LI1, LI9, LI12, MO7
Levinson - LI14-16, MO2, MO5, KL17-18
Markovian - LI17, K3, RE2, H18, KL17
Non-Markovian - BO5, HA2, HH6, MI3-4, SM1, H12
Vlasov - M9, LI1, LI7, SM2
Linearized - -
Relativistic - - MM3, PS1-2, PS6
see also Collision integral
Klein-Gordon equation MM4
Kondo effect J8, J17-19
Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition G3, KR3, KO6

Ladder approximation, see T-matrix
Lamb shift M4
Landau damping of plasma oscillations V2
Landau-Dykhne formula O3
Landauer formula J4, J8
Landau-Pommeranchuk-Migdal effect
Landau two-fluid equations I3
Langevin process G1-9
Langreth (-Wilkins) rules J6
Laser M12-13, BO1, K1, ST1-2, ST4, ST6-7, H1, H25
Femtosecond pulse - MI8, H1, FL1-2
Lenard-Balescu equation, see Kinetic equation(s)
Levinson equation see Kinetic equation(s)
Lindhard polarization, see RPA
Linear response M6-8, KW4, MZ4, Z1
Linked cluster theorem J11
Lipavský ansatz, see Ansatz
Lippmann-Schwinger equation GE2
Liouville equation M9, FL1,
see also von Neumann equation
Local approximation SE1, I3,
see also Quasiparticle approximation

Many-body effects FB1
Collective -, see Plasmons
Correlations, see Correlation(s)
- kinetic equations, see Kinetic equations
- limit ST6
non - ST4
Martin-Schwinger hierarchy, see Hierarchy
- action law SL1
- operator Z2-3,
see also Self-energy
- shell constraint MM1
- spectrum L1
- width L2
Maxwell field
Maxwell's equations SM1, SM4, H5, BO2
- for the electromagnetic field tensor
- for the 4-vector potential
- - in different gauges
Mean field HH5, SM2
- approximation GA3, MM3, MM8, PS6, I1-2
- Hamiltonian (Hartree) I2
- Hamiltonian (Hartree-Fock) BE3, I2, I7
Memory effects IV16, H17, BZ1, KL10
see also Retardation effects
Mesons KO1-5
Scalar -
Vector - G3
Mesoscopic phenomena J1-2
Mesoscopic structures see Nanostructures
Metropolis Method, see Monte Carlo
Modulation Doping J1
Molecular Dynamics
Classical -
Quantum - BE6, FL1
Path integral - F1-8
Møller operator
Monte Carlo (method) M14, HA3, FB1, FL2
Classical -
Path integral - FB1-8, F1
Quantum - J18, BE6, FL1, FB1
Mott effect BE5-7, SL6, MZ1, MZ7, T1, T6, H21
see also Ionization

Nambu matrix J19
Nanotube J8, K6
Nanostructures J1, FL1
Non-crossing approximation J18
Nonideality, see Coupling
see also Many-body effects
Nonlinear Vlasov equation, see Kinetic equation
Nuclear matter BE1, KO1-12, KL6-9, MM3, PS2, PS7, BZ1

Off-shell L7
- scattering BZ1
- T-matrix
Optical response KL10, T1
Optical theorem SP3-5, BE4, KO9, BZ7

Pair creation SM1
Parametric excitation D17-19
Partition function B14, F1, FB2-3
Path integral FB1-8, G5
Pauli blocking SP2-3, BE2-3, BE7, BR7, HA2
Pauli equation
Pauli principle FB2
- as macroscopic order parameter I1, I3, I8, I13
- coherent transport J2-3, J13
- space F1-8
- - density of Klimontovich L8
- - filling, see Pauli blocking
tex2html_wrap_inline250 -derivable approximation M12, B13-14, IV12, V1, I5, KO1
Phonon(s) GA1, K2, H2, KL9
- Green's function, see Green's function(s)
scattering of carriers with -, see Carrier-phonon scattering
- Green's function, see Green's function(s)
- Self-energy, see Self-energy
- assisted tunneling, see tunneling
Pion(s) KO3-12
Pitaevskii equation, see Gross-Pitaevskii equation
- frequency MO4
- instability BO3, D3, D15, D16, D17-19
- oscillation KW6, SM7
- turbulence D12-25
Electron-hole - T1, T7
Dense - BO1, GE1, FB1
One-component - T3
Quark-Gluon - V1, BL1
Plasmon(s) D11, H7
- assisted tunneling, see tunneling
- damping D11, D15, KW6
- dispersion, see Dispersion
- energy BO4, ST4, H18
- Green's function, see Green's function
- Hamiltonian
- instability, see Plasma
- pole approximation
Time dependent - -
- self-energy, see Self-energy
- spectrum, see Plasmon energy
Kinetic equation for - BO2, D11
Polarization ST2-4, ST7, T2, T3, H7
- approximation SL2
- function M5, M8, D6, D9, T4, H7
- function beyond RPA D1, T1, KW1,
see also Bethe-Salpeter equation
RPA - - BO3, D10, V5
Interband - H12, KL10, KL12-13
Intraband - KW4, HH6
see also Dielectric function
Positronium M4, M9
Chemical -
Coulomb -, see Coulomb
Debye - BO4, GE2, HA3, H14, KL4, MO3
- energy, see Energy
Effective - FB3
Pseudo -, see Pseudo potential
Shielded - B13, V1
Yukawa -
Pressure, see Equation of state
- ionization, see Ionization
Production rate BZ1-8,
see also
Scattering rate
Dielectric -, see Dielectric
Anomalous (off-diagonal) - I1, I3, KW1, KW3-6
Interband - KW1
Quasiparticle -, see local approximation
Retarded/advanced - L3-4, I3
see also Green's function(s)
Pseudo potential I1, FB3
Kelbg - FB5
Momentum dependent -

QCD V1, G3, MM2, O8, BL1
QED M2, D1, V1, V3
- chromodynamics see QCD
- coherence M12, HH12
- dot J8, J13-14, J16-17, J19
- dynamics F1-8
- electrodynamics see QED
- field theory M1-14
- Hall effect V2
- Monte Carlo see Monte Carlo
- point contact J1-2
- trajectory FL1-8, F2-3
- transport B1-16, IV1, IV9, I3, I8, I11,
see also Kinetic equations
- unit of conductance J2-4
- well MI1, KL13,
see also Electron gas, two-dimensional
Quark-Gluon plasma -, see Plasma
Quasilinear theory
- for quantum systems D13
Classical - D13-14
Quasiparticle approximation B11, LI8-9, KL10, L2, L4, MZ7, PS2, PS6, V6, I10
Extended - MO7

- energy ST2-3, H13
- flopping H20
- oscillations ST6
Random phase approximation, see RPA
Relativistic effects
Relaxation KL9-11, SL6, ST4-7
- of kinetic (correlation) energy BO8, HA4, HA7, KR9, SE8
- time
- - approximation SM2, BL8
Resonances IV6, L2
Resonant tunneling
see tunneling
Resonant tunneling diode J10
- corrections,
see also Correlation corrections
- effects H27
- expansion,
see also Gradient expansion
- of non-Markovian kinetic equations
tex2html_wrap_inline252 -meson IV6
Rotating wave approximation GA3, K2, ST1, ST3
RPA D13, GA4, GE3, GE6, MI5, SL3, H10
see also Polarization
Runaway of electrons KL18

S-matrix J15
Saha equation, see Mass action law
Scanning tunneling microscope J8
Scattering SL5
- cross section BE3, GE3
- rate(s) GE2-4, H13
In-medium - BE3-7, BZ1, GE1
Schwinger-Keldysh contour B10-13, BR4, D9, KR2, MI4, SL2, T2, I11, RM8, MR3, H10
Schwinger mechanism of pair creation , see Pair creation
Screened ladder approximation BR5, GE1,
see also T-matrix
Screened potential HH6, HH8, SL3, V1, H8
Two-time - BO3, HH6, MI5
Dynamic - D11, GE1, GE3, GE5, GE8, MZ5, SL5, V1, H8
Buildup of - - BO3, HH6, HH8, MI12
Static - GE2, GE6, SL5, H14
Self-energy M5, D9, KR2, KR5, T1-4, H9
Approximations for -
Beliaev - - I5, I7, I14
Bogolyubov - - I5, I7, I14
Born - - D14, GE2, KL5, KR8, L6, L8, K2, SE3, SL6
Hartree-Fock - - B8, B13, BE3, HA3, HA5, KL3, MI3, MZ2-3, I5, I7
Polarization (RPA) - - B13, BO3, D13, GE2, HH6, MZ5
T-matrix - - B13, MO7, BR2, GE2, KL4, V3
see also Collision integral
Photon - IV5,
see also Polarization
Relativistic carrier -
Retarded/advanced - BR5, MR5
Semiconductor Bloch equations see Bloch equations
Semiconductor heterostructure see Nanostructures
Shindo approximation BR3-4
Sign problem, fermionic FB1, FB5
Silin ansatz see Ansatz
Single-electron pump J3
Slave-boson Hamiltonian see Hamiltonian
Soft modes IV1
Spectral function M8, B5, LI6, LI8, LI11, IV6, IV10, KL3, KL18, L4, SE1-9, T1, T5-7, G5
- from Kadanoff-Baym calculations KL8, KL10-11, SE6-7
- of the Green's functions M8, B5, I5, I10, I13
non-Lorentzian - SE2, V6
Interband -
see also Green's function
Spectroscopy HH9, HH12
Spin statistics HA1, FB2
Spinor structure MM8
Stark effect MZ1
Statistical operator, see Density operator
Stopping power GE1, GE5-8
Structure factor KW4, KW7-8, H18-19
Sum rule(s) LI12, KW1, KW5-7
Superconductivity M12, B3
Superfluid M12-14, I3, I8
Susceptibility, see Polarization
Symmetry-breaking field I4

Test particle ansatz L1-10
Thomas-Fermi approximation
Tien-Gordon model J18
T-matrix (T-operator) SP3-8, BE3, GE2, KL4
- approximation GE2-3, GE6, KR8, T1, T3-7
- scattering rates GE2
- selfenergy, see Self-energy
Total energy, see Energy
Transmission coefficient J8
Transport equation, see Kinetic equation(s)
Turbulence see Plasma turbulence
Tunneling J5, K6, FL1, FL8
photon assisted - J9, J14, J20
plasmon assisted - J12
resonant - and phonons J10
Turnstile J3

Universal conductance fluctuations, see Fluctuation(s)

Vertex correction B4, T3, T5, KW5-7
Vertex function
Approximations for -
Virial expansion
- dielectric function, see RPA
- (kinetic) equation see Kinetic equation(s)
Von Neumann equation M7, M9, PS3, PS7, MM7, RM6

Walecka model MM3, PS2, PS6
Wave packet
- dynamics/propagation FL1, FL5-6
Weak localization J3
Weyl's symbol F1
Wick decomposition MR1, RM3
Wick theorem B12, MR1
Wide-band limit J7
- distribution M8, LI3-4, LI10-13, MO2, BR2, PS1, PS3-4, SE3, I10, H12, H16, FL1, KL3, KL11-12
- representation PS1-7, FL1-8, F1
- transform LI3, KO6, L2-3, PS5
Wigner-Weisskopf approximation HH7, SE1, ST3,
see also Spectral function

Wilkins rules see Langreth (-Wilkins) rules
Yukawa potential, see Potential

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Dr. Michael Bonitz
Tue Dec 14 14:55:50 MEZ 1999